Wednesday, November 10, 2010

While I was working

Here are 2 images. One of Sparta, while I was documenting my progress, and the other is what my palette and work surface looks like.


This is about a weeks worth of work on the Superman. He is coming along. I believe in the original piece Superman is looking up. But my Superman is looking straight a head.

Which means I need adjust his chin line. It is not coming together easily. I see some distortion in the face, which is bothersome. But, I will keep working at it, of course.

Fauvist Reproduction

This is 2 separate days of work on the Fauvist Piece. I love the Fauvist Style. I love painting in this style and looking at it. There is a lot of passion and grittiness in this style. Fauvist meant the Beasts.


This piece is unrelated to the 100 Portrait Series. It is a portrait of Venus from Birth of Venus. I have captured her head in my own personal style. I have one piece of the piece in the beginning phases and the completed phase.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

100 Portrait Challenge

The challenge began last Wednesday. I am in the middle of a Superman reproduction. The original piece was very flat, so I am interpreting it with a painting texture and adding more depth.

Originally I wanted to get one piece done a week. but, that seems out of my realm of possibilities with a 10 month old and a 9 year old to look after.

So far, I have a Matisse and a Jawlenski sketched out and waiting in the wings. I will also start pursuing which Picasso Portrait I will be doing. Pictures will be uploaded soon.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

100 Portraits Challenge

I have decided to create a challenge for myself. The 100 Portraits Challenge of Amazing Paintings.

The Guidelines are as follows:

1. All of the paintings will be 'reproductions', meaning interpretations, partial reproductions, or complete reproductions of other artists work.

2. The other artists pieces have all been in print. Most of them will be masters, but some will be new artist who inspire me.

3. 30 x 40 inches is the size of every piece.