Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Current Work

Usually I complete a piece a week. Last week it was supposed to be Jay Z. But, I got stuck on the background. This week I started Fredrick Douglas, and wanted to let he Jay Z background cook in my brain for a little while. Here is a close up for Fredrick and Douglas, and another photo showing the piece thus far. The photo of Jay Z has different backgrounds I am still deciding on. The Fredrick Douglas piece if for a Black and White Show in September.

Frida Impression

Frida Impression was created for a Friday Show in Long Beach. The show is being judged. I am waiting to hear if the piece has been accepted.

Toto's Surprise

This piece in currently in a show at the Pacific

Art Gallery. It is in the Celebration Show.

Hound of Hope

This piece was in the Pacific Art Show themed animals. It almost sold. It is a big crowd favorite.

For my Husband

Logan/Wolverine. My husband is a big

fan. This was created around the time of the Wolverine Film's big release.


This piece was inspired by President's Holiday.

The first Alex Ross Repo

There is an earlier post with this piece partially finished. It was completed in April.

A birthday Gift for my Brother

This is a reproduction of one of Alex Ross;s amazing Supermans. It was originally used on a TV Guide cover. There was a lot of text in the original.

Picasso In Hand

I have not been posting as regularly as I should. Lots of paintings to get out there. This is a painting of Picasso. It was entered in the University Art Center Contest. I find out next week if the juror liked it.